This article helps you to add, modify or review PTO Accrual templates for easy maintenance and tracking of Time Off requests. These templates can be set up to automatically apply PTO to employees. The PTO templates can be found under the PTO Accrual Templates screen.
This article covers:
- Setting Up PTO Accrual Templates
- Saving Settings and Bulk Apply
- Customizing Employee Accrual
- Reviewing Remaining or Used PTO Hours
Setting Up PTO Accrual Templates
To add a new template, follow the below steps:
Select the Gear Icon at the top right of the dashboard menu to expand the menu.
From Company Settings, select PTO Accrual Templates.
Select the Add Template button at the top right side of the templates screen to add a new template.
The system displays the Create Request Accrual Template window.
Select the desired Request Type. By default, the request type is marked as Paid Time Off. To learn more about the request types or to modify the list, see the Request Types screen.
Select the desired type of accrual from the drop-down menu. The drop-down menu has the below options:
- Select Beginning of the year for employees to accrue a certain number of PTO hours at the beginning of each year. Here, each employee is assigned X hours of PTO at the beginning of the calendar year. For example, an employee is assigned 20 hours of PTO at the beginning of the calendar year. If the employee does not utilize all the hours, they can carry forward a maximum of 8 hours to the next year.
- Select Every Paycheck for employees to accrue a certain number of PTO hours or fractional hours every pay period. Here, each employee is assigned X hours of PTO at each pay period. For example, an employee is assigned 2 hours of PTO every pay period. The maximum number of hours an employee accrues in a calendar year is set to 40. The maximum number of hours they can carry over to the next year is 10.
Select Every Hour on Paycheck for employees to accrue certain minutes of PTO hours for every hour worked. For example, a full-time employee can work up to 40 hours a week. Let us consider there are 52 weeks in a year. They can work a maximum of 2080 hours in a calendar year. For every working hour, they can accrue 0.0288 (worked 1 minute and 43 seconds) hours of overtime per hour. The maximum number of hours they can carry over to the next calendar year is 5 hours.
If you had selected the Accrual Period as the Beginning of the year, follow the below steps:
In the Accrual Template Title field, enter the title of your Accrual Template.
In the Accrual Period field, select Beginning of the year from the drop-down menu.
In the Hours Accrued at Beginning of Year field, enter the number of hours or fractional hours accrued for the chosen accrual period.
In the Maximum Number of Hours filed, enter the maximum number of hours that can be accrued using the template. This does not restrict additional hours from being accrued from any other templates that are applied to the employee's account.
In the Maximum Carry Forward Hours field, enter the maximum number of hours an employee can carry over from the template. This does not restrict additional carry-forward hours that can be carried over from other templates applied to an employee's account.
Switch ON the Reset Hours Each New Year is? toggle to reset PTO each New Year.
If you had selected the Accrual Period as Every Paycheck, follow the below steps:
In the Accrual Template Title field, enter the title of your Accrual Template.
In the Accrual Period field, select Every Paycheck from the drop-down menu.
In the Maximum Number of Hours field, enter the maximum number of hours that can be accrued using the template. This does not restrict additional hours from being accrued from any other templates that are applied to the employee's account.
In the Maximum Carry-Forward Hours field, enter the maximum number of hours an employee can carry over from the template. This does not restrict additional carry-forward hours that can be carried over from other templates applied to an employee's account.
Switch ON the Reset Each New Year? toggle to reset PTO each New Year.
If you had selected the Accrual Period as Every Hour on Paycheck, follow the below steps:
In the Accrual Template Title field, enter a descriptive name for the title of your Accrual Template.
In the Accrual Period field, select Every Hour on Paycheck from the drop-down menu.
In the Maximum Number of Hours field, enter the maximum number of hours that can be accrued using the template. This does not restrict additional hours from being accrued from any other templates that are applied to the employee's account.
In the Maximum Carry-Forward Hours field, enter the maximum number of hours an employee can carry over from the template. This does not restrict additional carry-forward hours that can be carried over from other templates applied to an employee's account.
Switch ON the Reset Each New Year? toggle to reset PTO each New Year.
Switch ON the Hours Paid toggle to accrue time on claimed Paid Time Off hours.
Switch ON the Overtime Hours Paid toggle to accrue time on claimed Paid Time Off hours.
Select Save to create the template.
Saving Settings and Bulk Apply
After creating the template, you can apply it to your employee(s) by selecting the Next button. The system displays the below screen.
Select the Apply All checkbox to apply the settings to all the employees. Select Apply after shortlisting the employees to apply the settings for a few employees. You can fine-tune accrual rules under individual employee settings. Select Template Settings to bulk assign the settings to employees.
Customizing Employee Accrual
The employee accrual settings are customizable. These settings include accrual start dates, accrual reset dates, carry-forward hours, and more.
Select the Gear Icon at the top right of the dashboard menu and select Employees.
Select the Update icon next to the employee you wish to generate the employee credentials from the list of store employees.
The system displays the employee settings page.
Select PTO Accrual from the employee settings.
Applying Templates
From the Employee Settings screen, you can apply the accrual templates to the desired employees. To apply the template, follow the below steps:
From the employee settings screen, select the PTO Accrual tab.
Select the desired template(s) from the drop-down menu and select the Apply button to apply a template. You can apply multiple templates to an employee.
Creating or Modifying Employee Accrual
From the Employee Settings screen, you can create and modify the accrual templates for the desired employees. To create and modify the template, follow the below steps:
Select the Create Employee Accrual button to set up employee Accrual rules.
Select the Edit icon next to the PTO type you want to modify.
The system displays Employee Request Accrual Settings.
Enter the below details to complete the employee request accrual settings:
In the Initial Hours field, enter the number of hours you want to start applying today for all the current employees. New employees will begin accruing based on the additional settings.
The Hours Accrued field displays the number of hours or fractional hours that apply per accrual period.
Select the desired Request Type. By default, the request type is marked as Paid Time Off. To learn more about the request types or to modify the list, see the Request Types screen.
In the Accrual Period field, select the desired accrual period. you would like the accrual to apply to.
- Select the Beginning of the year for employees to accrue a certain number of PTO hours at the beginning of each year.
- Select Every Paycheck for employees to accrue a certain number of PTO hours or fractional hours every pay period.
- Select Every Hour on Paycheck for employees to accrue certain minutes of PTO hours for every hour worked.
In the Maximum Number of Hours field, enter the maximum number of hours that can be accrued using the template. This does not restrict additional hours from being accrued from any other templates that are applied to the employee's account.
In the Maximum Carry-Forward Hours field, enter the maximum number of hours an employee can carry over from the template. This does not restrict additional carry-forward hours that can be carried over from other templates applied to an employee's account.
Switch ON the Reset Hours Each New Year? toggle to reset PTO each New Year.
In the Year Begins on field, enter the date the accrual year begins. For example, Enter January 1 if an employee accrues PTO on the first day of a calendar year. If an employee accrues PTO on a different schedule, for example, "an anniversary year", enter the day when the year begins.
In the Begin Accruing on field, enter the date on which you want the employee’s accrual rules to apply. For example, if you have a 90-day trial period set this date to reflect it. If the accrual period is at the beginning of the year, then the default date is January 1 for the current year. If the accrual period is “Every Paycheck” or “Every Hour” start date of the current pay period is chosen as default.
Select Save to update the Employee Accrual.
Reviewing Remaining or Used PTO Hours
From the Employee Settings screen, users can have more than one accrual template assigned to their user account at a time. This is convenient if you offer a base PTO at the beginning of the year, but also want users to (in addition) accrue PTO based on the hours they work.
Select the PTO Accrual tab under employee settings to find the list of accrued hours by an employee.
You can assign Multiple PTO Accruals during the same duration.