Hi i i LABOR'S Canse in, Many dimes. News From the Great World of Industiy. Ohio Towns That Have Been Ruined By the Trusts. Eight-Hear Bill Te Again Presented Ta Cengregg. larestioai 1b the Arte Personal Items and Notes.
A epotilal uniting of tb Building Trade Council will bald ml Thursday even lag to elect successor to Jimi 8. Rich-v4Ha, resigned, iuM Is Tu Kail RBB Friday. Another Iraporunt matter to com bsrors this meeting is the eonsid-retsoa of aa a indmsnc to tb erAnaatltutlon which wtl debar from petition delegate to the council My who art not actually engaged at tbe colling of the craft cr union they represent. South Bend (lad.) building mentis nice will form Building Tradee Council. Th 1xtnth.
annual MMlon of th Ohio "deration of Labor will moot at Dayton mm Tueeda Deceawbear B. Tha Granite Cutters National Union giving nolle of a demaxnd for a universal msmt-bour day, lo la ocroot all vm too country wherever th craft Is employed, on and after January 180U. Elkhart AM) bUmr org-nlxatlona ax arranging for (he formation of a Central Trades Council. Twenty-sis cotton mine hart beea built er Ixfun In Mexico Inthe paat yaar. Sal- OMo, la aaotlwr stmn faasto ring town that haa recently been Injured by one of the trusts.
Th big wire nail mill at that point, which were absoibed by th An srican Steel and u-e Company, Inn dismantled and the machinery shipped away. Tbo Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company bai recently placed order for 43,900 toni nf new atari rails, 26.000 ne of (ha amount going to th neai Stool Company and tlM remainder to tna nunbria himj pany, the Maryland Stoel Company andihe Federal Steel Trust Th miners' so eea law In Indiana baa boon practically killed by a recent declilon ot the Supreme Court ta that atata. Whlla not declaring ft unconstitutional, tho ruling will have the effect of rendering tho taw- In-operative. AH tha brawaiy workman In tbo vicinity ot Pittsburg and Allegheny have withdrawn from the K. of and joined the American federation.
Bymcue (N. Tmdes Assembly haa applied for and been granted a charter under the American Federation of Labor. Tha Boot and Shoe Workers'. National Union will laaue an official Journal from the In Boston. ba ginning January 19.
Secretary Horace M. Eaton will be Its editor. According to tbo eleventdi annual report of the Commissioner of Labor of Nona Carolina, the average dally rate of wages In the 210 cottcn mllla of tbe atata am: Mate adults, 1 11 for killed, and 0OU ror unskilled; female adult, 67Vfc cent tor killed, end 4 cents for unskilled; children. 4V cents. The average laboring day con-plated or IIV hours.
Thomas A. Kdlaon works In overalls and bleuaa and vtaitora to tbe laboratory of tbe dletlnrulahed electrician frequently mistake iilm for one of tha workmen. The rolling anlla at Hnbbard. Oblo, for years Us greatest sustaining Industry, are being dismantled by tha Republic Iron and etteel Company, and tbe equipment taken to Toungatown, whor* most of It will be sent to the scrap pile. It I th atory ot another prosperous Ohio town absolutely ruined by th trusts.
The fourth annual convention of the Ten- Besses Fed ant tl no of Labor win meet at Jackson. on tb second Monday tn January, 1800. 1 A plan for Insuring its employes has been Inaugurated by tbe management of the Chicago and Alton Railway, as a result of tbe prohibitory premiums demanded by tbe insurance com pan lea- Tbe proposition of tbe company la to defray one half the premium of each policy, the men to stand the other So far aa -can be learned tbla la tbe first Instance of a railroad offering, without condition, to help defray the expense jal aa Insurance policy for Its mployes. New York Ule layer have succeeded In securing -a rata of 4 SO per day of eight boura. and tbear he 1 para a weekly scale of 14 eo, with pay for th Saturday half-holiday.
Pour wboteeel cigar dearer of have been indicted by the grand jury tor using counterfeit- anion label, and nine others have been Indicted by the Federal Urand Jury for removing Labels and reve nue stamps from old boxes and placing Hhem on cheap tenement bouse goods and anuat tne asms ae union mai Thirty-five new cotton mill ar balnc built or projected according to tha "Tradesman" at present In various parts of tbe Southern states, addition many old plants ar ea- "larflng their capacity from 25 to 50 per -cent. There Is a brisk demand for good machinists la tbe ting up aad equipment work LU, mow miiia. It is stared that the Russian Government was been unable to place orders eltber Europe or America for TOO locomotives which are required for Immediate service on tbe Treaa-Siberian- Railway. Jill tbe great engine builders are so buav tha. arm coukl undertake to deliver this huge A Ooaferenc Board niininoseS vsciiUUvea of printers and employer la in -course of organisation fn New York City.
object will -be to abolish strikes aad Jockout by th entorceaient of arbitraUoa The cold output of the Cripple Creek dis trict. Colorado, for Soptaanbsr waa ow, surpassing ail previous rrooru. production in th district since tha discovery tn lMOl to tb -present ta nearly tt3.0rjo.- ouQ, ana tne value of tbe mines senilis ta. ba to incrtAHa Tbo saiaeaiiat entered fato' between tbe Brotberaoa of Carpenters and the aaater Bullderr AaaoclaUoB ot Bart rvinn went bate effect TTinaialiai 1. 7 haclodsa.
among etaae- tasnga. ate it aoours to uwiuuiit a oay a wors WIlAOUt any raaucnon in waies. yara'. ago IX hotel in New Tork City for the etxcma)oda tlon of worklnrmin of small mean at nominal, flgure. Tbe venture baa proved success Xrora every ataeropoiat, the outlay of 11.000.000 yielding a clean profit ot tV 'per cent, while hundreds of deserving men hava been served with- good, though not -elaborate, accommodations at a vary mods- aiepnca.
The leJurllos frera tea cities and towns of the Cnited Btatos since 188U together with the 8atnrday half bollday. It is estimated, gives employment to 1.3,130 earn enters, who would olbaa Is PC Among tha 768 locoavotlves owned by the imnoas central staueray are were built between 134 and 1808, or oyer 40 years ago. wnlch'ara (till In nseful Ice. There are S4 otbera whnes am from 23 to aayeai s. aod 43 which data back, ifrom i8 to 23 rear.
These, however, are example or looomotiv lonaevitv surviving while maayyounger engtaea have Th X-ray 'method' of 'printing," racejiUy discovered In Europe, 'Is attracting wide attention among scientists tbrousbout the world. The procea wu dhcovered by a Frenchman named laamberd. and th testa mad bav la tb main proved aneesnfai satisfactory. M. Mttquin, In an arucle in the Pari Scletlfie Review, yi: "X-rt printing is certainly the printing of the fu- lure, but even at present, without awaiting ata that mast be to Ha of tMs very rapid proee caa of atrvie la numerous aw rartou eases, Kevspapera caa bow have done ta on hoar sad at veartr- eapanae tat aeme wortt taat baa prevtoosrr roowtrad efa or airia hour.
A sunrjtement. tb Terr latere aanr. can added to each edlUom la ii.tr 30 Mint work. Tba ft. iota BvOHtag Trade Coma bm deoounttd tba theater boycott la that city aa iiajnst and wnraasonebea.
owng a tho rorejaal eg tbe Tbeatrtcal Or ago Eiarterof Union ta aecept an airee merit preat4 by tbe aaanagars whteb the Council CoiwidarM fan ana snoo tnarsiore oave Probably tha Wttereat ttraggl arat known to tha United States bet wee orvtlrised labor and Its etoploysrs" wUl be taaacuraxed at Chicago on Jaauarr 1. tn the truUdtng trades. If all branch ot the industry are drawn teto tbo aniumeiaj. wblcb they aua- doubtedly wUU not less than 60.500 ave wUl be tnvelved. Sertou trouble has been breeding for over a year owin to strikes and lockouts, and a great strike wID be precipitated by tbe action of the contractors and builders at their meeting hut week at which they agreed to give no recognition ta the union or pay any attention to wage icaJ acre em ta after January 1.
1900. I. At that ran ant mooting ot tbo susjtla ConncU tf the Aanarlcaa Federation of lav bor aonaldarstioo waa given to tb etght-bour Mil. which paaaed tha House of Rapra-entaxhres and failed of passage tn -the enate fen tbe last boors ot tbo rtfty-aUth Coagrass, aod it waa decided that tha bill should ralntrodueel In con-aauancd of tb ssaoy oarers and ones tlaf a ctory report of tbo tiaa rings vafor taa genera Coamiim on Education and labor oa tbe bill a resolution we adopted requesting a reprint or the report or lUe hearings after proper correction. Attention was called to the fact that the order ot tha Secretary of the Navy for the pavsaat of time and a belf for- work over tbo otgnt-nour day In raaas of emergency has not boon carried out In tne Charletto-rn (Ma.) Nary Tart, and action waa taken to bring this to tha notice of tb Kavy DeMruieaL wttb a view to its recti Acauon, i The electric loom, one of tha most re-marttabl Invontlons of tbe age, win be on exhibition for tbe nrst time at tbe Paris Exposition next year.
Tbla wonderful la- ventlon Is operated by electrictrr. and tn combination with photographic apparatus produces ths most marvelous results, "la fa than a half hour the operator can de sign and weave an article that ordinarily roqulrae weeks and months, according- to slse under present process. A alia handkerchief with the picture of the owner woven thereon can be produced in 20 minute. Convict labor is tn demand tn Georgia, and prices are rising to the benefit ot the state. Formerly tne lasaaaa or convlota paid tbe atata only 111 per bead- yearly, bat tbe new law, In addition to securing humane treatment for tbe prisoners, haa resulted la greatly Increased prices for tbear ssi aluss.
Under the latest bid few of the convicts were farmed out for leas than 1100, and one lessee has recently sold bla bunch of 60 oon-victs to another contractor "at a handsome prnfH." The Macon Telegraph explain that ''the activity In the coal. Iron and lumber markwi causes a big demand' for thle clas. of labor, which. It Is generally understood. I the very beat that can be bad, due to tbe fact that a lessee ge4t tlx day1 full time out of his convicts every week, rain or shine.
Tble makes them valuable and will continue aeep cocm so. The Long Island tunnel will be SO feet under tbe river and will consist of two cular twin tunnels 14 feet 0 Inches In dV-ameter, the estimates cost being $0,000,000. The runnels will paaa under the Eaat River, one being for tbe Long Island and the other connecting the elevated system of New York and Brooklyn. When finished they will be the most coatly tunnels In the (Jolted Bute. At Fulton Market the Metropolitan tunnel will be too feel below the street and wiU paaa tinder the river's rock bottom.
When the Carnegie Company shall nave completed and put In operation Its two big furnaces of TOO tons capacity each dally, that company will bare In Allegheny County, alone furnaces capable of producing 2.70O.00O gross tons of Iron per yaar This is about equal to the whole output In the United State 20 year ao, the produet In 187 being 2,741.000 tons. If the output of tha oountry shall be lg.fioo.ooo tons In 1M the Carnegie Company will be able to produce next year one fifth, or 20 per rent of that enormous total. To keep their furnaces supplied wtth ore the company will maintain on tne-Oreat Lake a fleet ot 10 steamer and 20 sailing vessels. Tradesman. A anmmlttee has been appointed by the Btats Allied Printing Trade Council of Haw Tork to gatbor, publish and circulate tbe esults of recent years of union label agitation.
Tbe pamphlet win contain facts aa to tha official adoption of tbe label by eorratriea in Eurooe and bv Slates and municipalities In America, ft til also clta Supreme Court decisions af- ftrtnlng the conetttutionaiHy of city ordinance requiring this trade-mark of fair wages on public printing and other supplies. About 00 emeu in me t'nlted Bute have passed such ordinances. This literature will sent to the' Governor and he la of all state dnartraoiti. to Uflani. or Ei1iu-a(1m and to the Secretaries of fraternal organisa tion, witn a request that union labels be used on their printed matter and school books.
Typographical Journal. Sculptors are now said to be doing much of ths mechanical part of their craft by means ot the perfected electrical carver. Tha actuating power ft tha device la derived from the small electrical motor and pump whictl supply air at a pressure of So pound to the square Inch. In his right hand the carver hold a steel cylinder, to wnicn tn compreasoa air is conveyeo In rubber tubes; the other band holds the chisel, which (It lootely Into a socket at the end of the. cylinder.
Within the barrel of tne latter la a solid piece or steel with bard. eneo Duuet-anapeo nead under the air pressure appi ed this strikes the tnd of the ch set. rebouna ne ana retr a nr with a varying rapidity of from 4.UOO to 6.000 blows a minute. Senator Kyle, Chairman of the Industrial Com mission, aaya that the commission ax- to nym to Congress about -Jane ary 15 on the Immigration and trust mat tera they have been The commission will recommend a conservative restriction of Imnrirratlon. having found that there ar regularly organised societies in tcurope tut rurntsn runos to cnminaua.
pauper aaa otner unaesu-ani parsons tt coma to tha United States. Some astound ing Information on thia point. It la aaid. naa been obtained. The more progressive aad level-bead ed trade unlonlsta of New Tork City have be- very weary with the not uncommon spectscle of ualone fighting sack etbsr.
aad have bit upon a plan to do away with fac tional fighting among tb worker ia Oreat er Mew Tork. A committee of pi tnent labor leader mat recently and de cided to recommend tb establishment of a parmanant Board of Arbitration. which should have; power to adjust grievance be tween union or one year. All unions win be asked to Join the Central Federated Lav-boa- Union of Oreatar Mew Tork and be amalgamated Into one great body of about workers. Tb proposed amalgamation will be the means of abolishing the Brooklyn Gentral labor Union, -tke Brooklyn Board Of Delegatee of the Building Trade and the Building Trade Council, which have been engaged IE for monrha The American Railway Union, which vfa-tually aspired la 1894 at the close of tha giasi strike, aar be leelaed by Suave V.
Peba, Its founder. f. Before left for the Wt oa bla lector rag tour a -delegation railway brother hood Terr Haute, and he promiaed to consider the matter and give them hia answer after ale return noma- Tb reason for tbo propoaed reorganisation ta the alleged lack of harmony which exiata between tha railway unions, and wntca tn a aauway omcuua i takl adrantaa. of. It ia to Debs wiU undertake the work.
-The Board, of -Oraad Trustees of the Brotberbood or laoonwova Fin ea ijnsea Us report of the past year work by say lug: cannot refrain ft oua alia eealiia' extreme gratification 7 at tha condition in which wa And tha organisation at tha close of tea fare el year Jusr- passed It will seen by this report that, there has passed fhrougii tie hands of tha Grand iecreUry aad Tressnrsr Uw aua eg SSSa.SSt CO. and tbe membership a aa not help aat i uallsa taat the brotherhood la doing a business equal to many hanks, and It is with great satisfaction that we say tb book in tb Qre Lodge office are tn excellent condition, and every penny has bean accounted for. were paid during the first erx raaatna of tha ft seal year lOO regular and 82 coaventioo clalnaa, and during the last six months 1S8 regular and i convention claims, a total of 2r regular and convention claima for th year. Tb sum reaulred ta meet these claim waa 0OO- The- past year ha been one of tb most Brosperous in tba history of the organ ra-on. There haa been a net lncr ease of 3, 700 members during iba past ouch a showing as to finances, the increase in membership, the general condition at Dreamt and tbe outlook for tbe utur should malt every a aember feel proud ot his membership, snd It should be sn Incentive for h.ra to put forth every effort to make the present year equally as good, if hot better, than tba oneiuml passed ACOTIIER THE ENQUIREB.
SUNDAY. HO EMBER 1 2. mao uy sauti 'sou Bnoograse are nut forrrunncTa of the bastaess bouDd to H-eata tn that neighborhood with the raU- road fatUlitlea promiaed. Tha general Idee, 1 that tbe very assr future will so taa-provad aoniMotlooa betwesa tha C. I and and the PD-ande yards oa Pearl fHt It la area hinted rbat tha Penaayl- raaia Oeool are dlacnaatnar a nowarrnl 'a- doet running from East Court street to con.
auct toe immense amount of trajnc aver Eaat Court and Ollbart avenue. TT Botna dava agT was hjjited-taat aa othar eold torar company would ha atart- aad It" fca natervtood tbo tb paaa sa nsnrs tlina saaalilj Msalas sjaa TTi a a It aaa baea. W. Poepke, or tho Alia Doapk Company, and President of; the ltyHall kurti, and Henry Lahsua are at tbe bead of tha now movement, and those gentlemen art eonfldent that they will make a success out of tbe undertaking and will secure auf-icleat co raaralias mate It no. Quit Uto been taken -mi tha big rasldeneaa that hava bean in tha narnot.
aad it appears that aa-varoj pf than wUl.be sold to tb trear.ftura. ThU la specially true of the Shflllto reaMenea on Oak street: -fckarsala last weak sold of the best known of tbo old hnneasi sails A-hen he disposed of the EM pnmerty on Resor avenue. Clifton. The lot Is fcA) by 2nu. and is occupied by tb old Kills hniaaalaail.
Owing to legal lntrlcaciee- tb deralla are a yet not published. The factories on Spring drove a venae are making rapid progreaa, Tb bag plant for the Blymyer work Is being pushed. Tb foundations are completed, and for tha first Um give some Idea of the immensity of the establishment. The Rome for tbe Incurable hai very active tbe past' week negotiating for a new home, and tbey have mad bid on two places. Tbo Home for Aged Odd lows, whlca was hullt years ago at Roasm oyne, on tha I and K-rfabd whkh baa bee-, vacant ever alace tbe raaaates bav been removed to the big home at Columbus, la one.
The committee visited institution, it naa iu acres ot ground, ana the price ta Another site. somewhat discussed for a home Is the property on Mitchell avenue, adjoining th Albert Mitchell property. There are act -ea flne forest ear tat, and tb prc-et oa that 18 yrr A significant deal, of the week was the closing of tbo contract Cbarle Kllgour, wbo own tbe old huDdlng for or- ly occupied by ths MUunVTooI Company, oa tha northwest corner of. Third and Eggleo- ton avenue, and tbe Advance Carriage Company. Mr.
Kllgour la to completely rebuild tbe structurea. making' one of the. model factory plants of the country. The Carriage Company is now located at yea-more aad Canai. Its bnlldln waa recently' purchased by the Crane at Ha wley plumbers' supply people.
In addition to this Mr. Kllsrour will erect on- the oppoeita aide wf tbe- street -two new He ha -here-ans feet on Kararleston avenue and- at feet on Third street, running back to FoortluBoth these faetonea. it la understfmd. are tw A. fng erected for companlee now In tdji ta an imprQrwn.nl Knf ex pact eo ana long wanted fn a very, busy section of.
tbe oity. i XXV Btrte Battler ia ba tag well ka elegant, rerWence bully on floa-N Annwood avenue. The hotu la of atone and of Ellsabethan Gothic arc hi tectu re. and will, whan eon-plot ed, contrast strange-, ly with its severely classic A maaslve tiled roof aad tiled side. 1th a 'T' jv -y fe-- r- vg its or BBi' iio a unjav A Big: Plant; Comes Here.
Lumber CoBpalt Jroa Iiilsa- apolis Prefers Qaeea drjv Commercial Interest of Continent Centering Here. Pennsjlrania Railroad Impror- East Efl5 Jp, Big BouOuqm Booked For Court andZgfleftoB IreaBe-Ecddeiice Property ia Pemaad. Tb week to a real eelsts way baa been noealile (ar tka coalln.id Samsnil fSor tacturtng sites and tbe sale of at least four vary lubaustlal tracts for that puraoM Tha Bwain Lumber Company of Indlan- a polka, baa found tt ta much bettei for It business to movs and will ar Witttoo Flaoe Jwate- ttoa or tb sad sV W. Tsm Advmo.ee Carriaci Compaaj to bati a new homt on Third treat and Egglestoa arenua. Th tiastailaln Mat binary Cnsnpaay will suo.s t- Spring Orov aveoua, and two new factortet are to go ap on Third, and Egglestoa event- It wee amdsretesd yasirtoy that tin rennsrrvanta Railroad bad acsulred con-(idarablo property at Court street and Oil- brt avenue.
aHboagb tb parTJae BBtsewst-ed Is tbe deal rl online to say. There Is very healthy inQUlry for tlx reiWenci property, and during tha week the Ellis home- On the anllllto borne, on Oak treat, Vernon-villa. There has bean a very substantial Increase In tha search for boaaes la CHfton. wbil an eager list of names Is on tb rrV estate agents books for houses ta Area-dale. Central business property haa peon rather dull, and a great many owner have heal ta tad about Improvements, waiting the reiulta of the appurance ot tha new bulW- Ing at the corner of Fourth and Walnut.
Tha banner sale of th week has been made by F. A. Schmidt Hs has sold a niece Of central property but pending Investigation the details are held back. One feature of the commercial interest in Cincinnati that Is developing way beyond all expectations, and which gives much encouragement to the belief thai th city la becoming' tha manufacturing tbe West, ia th growth of tbe-bardwood lumber interests In city It development haa baea alow, but sure, until has become on of the great markets -ot the country. Within tha past few days a deal that means considerable for tbe increase In tbe handling 'of this bas been completed, which the Swain Lumber Company, of Indiana polls, one of the largest concerns of tbe hardwood Una.
baa pur chased from the UcCammon heir, five acre of ground on Spring Grove avenue, Just above Win too Plae Junction of ta B. and. O. 8. W.
Tbe property originally belonged to the late L. Klaeel and was sold to H. McCammon. the Ule He purchased it with tbe intention of erecting thereon a very large Ule works, but died' before the enterprise went through. It haa been occtt-plad as a traear aerdaa for aa i a.
and an work of removing the old building on it has already been begun. The Swain people will erect her, on tbe largest: bond Ing la this section for preparing hardwood lumber for tha market, and ia every way it will ba an Important plant- Adjoining the property purchased by the Swain people le tha old Unseed oil factory. Tbla aaa not been operated for many year. hut tt was understood th past weak that a deal had bees omplted by wnkk tb mill would be started anew. be people ta neighborhood bare, linn nod nod of parchae.
hut further than that they -could not tell who had become tha owner ot tha property- Tha Lunkenhetmers will not move to Fair-aaa at far the preaent. aa bad bean pur- nosed. Mr. Cart Lunk'nhel or said to an Extnin representative yesterday that tbey eould not think of banding at present, owing to th very high price of iron aad the tact that they could not secure from any proposition to deliver a for IS "It la raarvelooa." said a. --the way th Iron huatneea holds out AH of the architectural tro companies -are working night aad day aad lafsa, to nisks a con.
tract under tha niteen Biooths. time, it la i bad for oar buslne ha beaa ex. cellent la tbo past' aad km ring evar day. Tha ordinary fiiislmag nmaa eoea aat appredate the stride that Ctoctonatl hu made tn aaaafacMriac liuea. We aaa tt ka oar liustiissa TT ba port demand la ba- yond prexedeat Yniea ytra take tato coiiaW- Cham, aad era intrlee of pecta ar rery bright for doubling gp, eyen of Clnctnaatra capacltieB.
lead i tha a rorld ba amcMn. tools aad as aa etbsr bv diisWes, sad tf th city efficlaia wni be at an liberal the manufacturers wQl increase beyond an belief. Thera is bo res sen why all of tbe Miller bottotn should not ulld la and turned ever to the taUroada and maa. aratjtuTars frw of taxation. The taoraaaa ia populaBlon aad btriloUags woold mpis taaa compenuto for th UtUe ta ha lost ta the tag diwetSoB.
afaaafatSuriia waat aad ara aa. bav a pSaar af eaea aad raHra asl ai all Llaa that they ceo gvt in tha brrttp a aad must go to other points whera there i the great. The Union Barinh Bank and Trust' Conv pany has taken the Bdntl ey Matth aws said sane eav a last Walnut Mm as rapt -s aenutrre of the estate Uutt ar bolder of tha mortgage upon 1 Its'- property. It gave S23.00O. which la two thirds tba last appraisem*nt.
It Baa been plaoed la tbe kanda ot Etrersqle for vate arv Ttiere la catnuderabia' plsssure -anat us Is as mea and ow Bans at al estate ta and about th Court Street Depot ever tbe mfo oatioo pnhtlgrrad ta Taa Eieqtrt a taat taa Pea syi uiia Railroad wUl make a number of very needed improvement ia that sscttor-aom time ago wba waa Cbaeed tbe property at tl corner ot -Court and Gilbert evenae tb doubt was expressed taat thia as Id true, inasm cb aa the "v-j -I j- is oa tho other tide Of tha enc-aati. Lrbaaoa and Korthera Railroad, that aaad la aaael try tb p.n StailroadL St assj Masaa eat.eeeare.Bg I be IntonBttloa raTerred to, that Instead of taring booght tha propertv that would be permanently dlihlsd by a rival railroad, tb JBrto psaple wore smm Oa pain bssois. but the -property waa bough by the Penav- lylTanla. 1t ia that tha taprov. sseat of the propotty will ehorrly be beasjia, ast taat St will be ia tb way fmllilllig abope at tbet point.
warn a firty- stali ronndlMros Oat wUl be sed to house tbo engines of the Ctaetaaatl, Lebanon and Nortberm, tbo CiaelBtsatl. Peesenoueb aad Vlrgisiis. mma tb Ctm limao NerUura and auch loooovotlvts mt too C. and St. I aa ar btxraght over oa the C.
and N. Ia addition to this hi propoaed ta as the rundhns or some mt tbe tocotuotl. se of tha Pan handle that eaa ha ran ever to tha aew roundnoase mora eoeiveniently tha a at to she heesae at prrsain ta aee. -Ia ad-ditioa to tmeee unpraa aiaaats there win be a varnishing shea, repair shop aad other abopa. aad a larger freight depot also eugrested.
locating of tha bhr warehouse of 0. H. Kroger aad tbo lumber yard Taft and the grain elevator of Early A Dante, aad the 'mprov omenta of Its feet-roe, Ita katsalua la a plsssliis I stfiWTks aala arm bp a symphony ot aasitrjgany aad rich reteaat.a p. oak. The tarraoe offer a sasftA aaaa-j TTmtomf "wfTf rin rrr The fS.rort as tuary fro a tba tut i Klaeas of th ksats son.
wtH the house throughout ta of th latest aad avast apnreved pattern, eater- oa -aaa The Oesterleln Msxhlnery Company ha li ui iliaaiS from taa Hoppl aetata MO by ISO ear- Sua lua Of. a a en ia' raaas- To a nab Ip. and Its purpose ta to erect thrjnoa a nodal factory building oa tha plan that haa baea sSoprad by aa, stsJ'paaata' that tart ap on Bprtng Grove avenue, two-tories hlrh and of brick. It present plaat' Is oa 8ee trtal ones more' of tha his tract of anlnv pcoved land at thacoraar a MttnhaH as eaue ami Cat snags ptka. It eavangB ta tb Harriet West estate, and there ar about 65 acre of ground, with forest er terxt-ng back to iba canal.
It le no nsed for dairy parposea. it la apprsiseo at -tJM. stajor viauace will ba tie auctioned. stayee- A Oo. for kra.
Clara. Ocas to atat p-laba-- tb prcrcrtyr No. -73, rchnio-3 ttrpet. at tn.OoO ash. Tha place constats of m.
tnrc. atorar bride Tin lias Af i nwafwa, aaa mt aawaJnt sswaassSSy mt Csasffi dtsVsaw aa --t aSaV Omo Wt Ead waa swat mm I 'TCynYV-' -TTV ThorwUy by tseklal A Barakalm. Ia tb Toots was unite active bKKiing iar rt, aad went to i. a Sax tor toM Th lot by W. sad tha hones aa roofs tht.
It as ajaatoa ta aaa Sit mt Olsalasul taat Mason, Bee Taylor war awarded the for iisiia-ilsa tho piaaa for tha Peach band Ousmiany. TTaa toaMlags are to cost a.rM, and ar to ba Icaated In CSeeapaaha -rWt4i daacl-ig CvlUoa. satsataal ia aantpa. by ISO: at aad, ointjbeoss, eeento rat way. Oar-mas vllusga ass ehev naadaomej atruottirea.
Th style of const ruction wlH be Japaoeee. TaM rawort fa about conrrairy Inrea sd between TTssliliij.ua. IX and Beatinnrs. Tb swooad effrwt to dlsposo tbo big Beaut warebouae at pobllo anotloa sa atota-Say ttat waa a fallura, Mr. Eberaole aav- deavarsd ta every way to tniiul tha build-1 tng, bvt tbar war a bidderav it win be kept by blfflfor prtvaU aala, and be has nope eg niasnaang at k.ib i On Thursday teat tha BharUT offered oa th pramisaa tba fcakrwing tnsoao of property: At 10 a.
av. No. TSg OQbert averjov, appraised at 1SJX: at a. av. No.
S4S0 Otadstoaa asaaaa. aad Na. am Coiwmbta avanua, appraised at fwor at I p. sbv, Vm. 2S1 wed 2820 Vina atre aa gralsid at gt.OOO; at 9 At p.
m-. Ka B3t Isea wwiil acreet. appralaart a ae.uOO; at a p. N. aaa Iaure4 stress, appeslsiil as Itna On Friday tha ffteriff totd on tha prtcflla at 11 Nex.
317 Mill atreet. spurelnsd at aa)-, at a wv. 440a Inoca avewoa. aopraiaad. ati tSJOO: at p.
pu No. 4280 Innse avenaae. saimslsait ac 1.0: at P- ae. tb north -sed of Waakbu botweon Virginia avenue and itrMt. appralaed at 11300, and at 4 p.
nv the west sida or Am moo avenue, baiwaaa Hays aad, Coleealn, awau. appraises at 50u. At his ofnea Vestorday tha Shorift eold No. 438 Park atrsec arnislsail at S3.SBO: No 1047 Cajtrk appralsod at S200; two lots at tha south east corner of Montgirmery road aad Orevsr aveau. arpralsa 1 ait S3TS seen, and la tbe same locality ta appraiiad and Ui other at Moev z)U4 and zavo joirin avenue, ap- ac r.ou rara atran.
ap- pravtaod- at th paupauUf on Madlaon avenue, between Montgomery pike and La fayette avenue, Norwood, appraised at IIAO; two tracts of land on tha Big Miami River. Whitewater Township, oontaininu 27 acres and 144.43 acres, appraised at ana gajia. Tester-day Charles Weber offered ta two- and-a-hair-etory brick rreldenc No, 1540 Jonas street, contsinmg seven rooms andi lata. lo-la BO feet to an atrfarrdesapprwja- Ii amo sold tbe. -sat Iota ntta south side qf Ada trt)f Clifton.
appaled at 30, and ntv tha east "sida of Fsirvtew avenue. tpprataed at S600. The sales were at 2 and p. oa tba.Mamiraa-. fi On the 10th, tb dwelling at No.
MS17 Kim at aty between rind lay and Henry sti sate, waa aon oa toe premieot at p. m- The apprrUseanoat waa 13,001, A portiow of -tb -Rude farm, 4n Symmea Township, xtalTlrar arras, waa ot- fered Tor sale yssterday at p. m. The appraisernent sr aera-aras tha sale waa oa tha pre aatsoo. Charles Wver.
will offer tomorrow two good lota oat the north side of Sboehan evens), Hartwelt. appra land at aao each, and the -tory frame retidence of seven root a oa the weat aide of Williams avenu. Mar Iwell. appraased at 2.2SO. Th wui dosuv aaa a p.
on tne prem- lea- J1. Trasodore aTayer ami soil to-awn ow VS. aroeia of ao a a ta at tb eorner ot tha Carthage pike and Mitchell ave us, Ths are appraised at to aaeb. and will be orlsred on the premises mx 9 p. m.
V- J. WaSadd will offer oa Wednesday, the. lot oa Stltea av eaue. between Eastern and Columbia avenuea, appraised. at ttXtt; efrhi lota In the Charles BUtea appraised, at 7S0: a lot oa a th rtv-foot atreet between States avetrae and Don ham avenue, appraised at $768 00; two lota on thO same atreet.
apraised at l5a aad SB3 10; a. lot on Si ULes avenu. ap tat, an Tuesday, next tb property' ea tb aonthweat coriar of -Twelfth aad Jadtsoa Twatfth street, appralawd at ST ax Tb sale anu be Land, I p. Cm We4nfeday ho wtl) offer rhe Wefert farm oa -the Iawer Fttver road, asa sslle below Aadersoa' Sherry. Tbla oo itswi SO.
SO srraa aad ia aa- prahed at and wilt be avid at 2 j. na. oa the 4-: Oa tlwi lea imt', taomsH a prupsatj at No. Z301 May aaeet, Waaut BUla, wlfl be sold oa tha irailni it i a a. tate'on Tliuraday.
tho 18th, a farm of C.73 acrss oa tha north stda mt Otffsa ptka, Greea Tow iwalp. It ta eiipialasd at aeJO. and the aaia wiS be sa the premises at 2 P. S. fA'Wauwar sead asslgnea of Mra" Moore, a fifty-foot front vacant lof aa- Howell at at, Cllftoa.
It b-oagbt Sl.iaa.-aus i smtkine lly goad pan a. it waa pui-basad by Anton Rleg, tha archi- tct for one of th who wit! tmn ve i poblle school prlriclpali it with a reei- Mr. a Md ard awd tn Bent- aaiiuiain A J'wiaWt WrsiM i svfr WW 1 ff FIF1 1 1 i -fcai vy n.ni'H -vi yrr tw 11 yu si it --v IP Ct lUsaf'. coca 1 mm wm mmjm 7f Offlc Hoars: 8 a. an.
to 8: S3 p. m. "TZM mTt a sa rwyvrsi ew aw ley lot. frontlnff SO feet on Queen City av! nue. rail-mount, -ror sow.
wntea was a above the reaulred two thirds of tbe pramement; and also a Bentley lot fronting ih feet on Tremoni street, rairrnovni. lor $200, which was an advance of $iO over' the retjut bu amount ox to app a sa Ths National Brass Manufacturing Com pany haa recently moved into a aew factory oa aaaraball avenu. bwtweea Coleraia ind Spring Grove avenuea. tt la one of tbe roost, roodel plant erected, is two stories high, and built of brick. COSTLY CRADLE In roloh tbe Lltcl Marqala of Bland- ford la Rocked.
IAtnslts-s BTsgsalns 1 bare ta ejtbiblted in the draw -tng room he wonderful golden cradle In which each Irst-born son of the house of Marlborough rocked during his Infancy. In. thia adl. which 1 perbans the most beautiful and thing of Its kind In tha world, th resent little Marauls of Bland ford waa ilacod on his christening day, when he bad eon given the nam of John Albert Edward ivntlam Churchill. The little belr.
by the la named for three well-known 'p er- 1-1 John, for th great Duke; Albert -iward. for tbe Prince of Wales, one of lia godfathers, and William for hie grand- athcr and godfather, William K. Vander- ilt The two cbildren are very cloaely guarded the nursery, which consist of th most barming suite of rooms In the palace. Here be young duch*ess, who la a moat proud nd devoted mother, spends mucD of her haa with her babies. When they go out Ir tbesr Dl a and whit pra bill tore for ea-erclae tbey are wheeled about ta what known aa the ''kitchen gardens" amorv ths fruits and vegetables, for on ahow day th kitchen gardens are not delivered ovet to tourists for Inspection.
Thus the tw, little Lords may hold high carnival wlthou fear of public tntrur-on and snapshootert On other days they are wheeled about- when tbelr nu a will, within the ano acres private grounds, which are walled oa from Blenheim Park. nrPLaJfA STATE HOME. era ax amraTs i xe tbb aitaoTaaa Ikdiana Btati Soldi uf Hoar X-7 rATrrrs, November IL Commahda-Packard and wife hava returned from visit to Now Albany, Blame General Packard was looking after bis interests in the New Albany DaHy Tribune. Rt. Rav.
Mr. rraacta Bishop, of the Episcopal diooe of Boutlvern Indiana, wu a visitor at the Home this waek. axartoa Reed, a veteran from oga a apo was admitted to tbe Home on Monday. He Is In the hospital, suffering from cancer of tbe stomach. Mr a.
Edgar XTawklna. of Warren County, was readmitted to the Woman" Home thW week. Dr. John A- Martin. Aasletaat Burgeon, en ta taind a number of frleada at -dancing Monday evening.
MontanJ' Orcbeatra, of Indianapolis, provided music, and-Weigelc catered. It waa tbs first of a seriee of eo-eal event at tb Horn thai winter. Monday was penalon day at tbe Horn. Nearly vouchers were filled out and forwarded to IndtanapoMs. It was ths biggest nay's pension work el ca tb Home waa opened.
Former Com macdant Mes -w wiTi ratnr- froin fknrth Dakota on Monday. Rav. Theodore Herman, of tbe Fust Qr- 1 in ah i i i i iiia ii at th Chan I Mr. Caleb Jonas tuntrdiedja the hoapital oa shraday iB- so t. cm aty.
in Ir-M- Tbe funeral wv fuf-ft1 Assembly Han oa Re-a-LawtaSrhd haa beeri ns- Mtsl JCealar. wife mt b- kw-'Tr? xlIStnJKtn ta Taesday aad JieDeaakV of Com- Pv. of vaaaviila, wars present. TBb-ty- nve appiicsuirns for admlssioa were accept-A, Jid reports of tha Commandant and Adjutant reeetvad and appro-red. Thursday evening the Prustee wer tendered a -ra- epttosi ky the Cotn-aadaiit and VOWT BTISa THE SXBDB.
Aa emteent natura3it how. a hiack. bird will staad at the aide of, a kaagtar wasp- atad dsllksra tsly teas- it 'to Pteces, In order to fret at tbe larvae. 'apT reoUy undturbsd by the swarais ef angry rowni cznc3 czoin. at TTssilssa ta oae oC tba la a- est In tkUaOpc It bus Sv-stops aad S.oow ptpwa.
The orraa st Amsterdam has a set of pipes which inresloa sly Irritate a chorua of ha- IrVhDose Witli Injure Why Not Use Electricity. Which Cures HP. i VETERAN Found Dead in River. Another Old Soldier Expired at Marion Military Home. Chrysanthemum Show That Attracted Many Visitors, Intereiting NVrfl Ud Gossip About the Inmate ef the Variens MilitifKHomf.
Haoval MrbrtAar Hdks, Mjuuom, Ikd November u. Oaring (ho paat week two welt-kndwn members Of the Horns died suddenly-- James Dolan was found dead in the MlsslsslneWsV which Bows paat the Horns grounds. Wednesday mornlg. Tb body was lying beneath tbe Pan -handle Railway bridge. He waa buried in tbe lome Cemetery Thursday morning.
No pa -era or letters that WaulS In any way reveal ne identity er be re hnuU of laUves vtre Doiaa wa 73 yaar ot u1 i member ef Battery; U. First United States rtlMet-y. He wae a member of Home Com- any B. Th Coroner verdict was that oian cam to his death by an accidental -all. William Baaon, an inmats or the Home, dead in the hospital Wednesday jvenlng.
He bad Juat nnished bis supper, ud waa starting pack to hia ward In tbe ilck room when he felL He expired almost nstantiy. Saxoa waa a member of Company y. HI at a nth Indiana Infantry. 4raa nearly 70 year of ags. Hs bad been a aember of the Home for several years, and its horns was formerly near Converse.
Ind. had been in poor health for some time. is was buried in th Home' Cemetery Fri-ay morning. Th principal event at the Home during past week was tha chrysanthemum given in Stinsoa'a Memorial Hall. Tuesday to Friday, under the supervision of ths Home florist Mr.
Carl Ander- ion, and by whom tbe flowers' were re-eed. rhe exhibition waa th Rfta annual event it this nature given at this Home, but tnt ieneral opinion was that this year's sbo-g aaa superior to any ever heid. The ezh bit waa very beautiful, tbe interior of tbe Memorial Hall being lined wstb tha beautiea. ach afternoon and evening a concert wu iven by. the Soldiers' Home Orchestra, un-Jor tbe direction of Captain Staoit.
Tbe ao-oiety people of atarioa vlaitod ta xb.bltloa in targe numbers. Much interest was taken By the members or tbe Home on election night. Tuesday. As maav aa were able ea a down to tb city to receive tbe returns, and a great many received them at tha Home by telephone. yesterday afternoon a- geaerai review of the members of th Home waa had upon the campus at 4 o'clock.
The occasion waa the visit of Major Harris, of Milwaukee, Wl the Aaslatant Inspector General, wbo waa here on a tour of inspection. All the members of the Home who were able to be out were each attired In their drees so its and compelled to take art in tbe m- -rade. atajo Harrt spent- all of rriday here. ana, Dsaiaes viewing vaf um veteran in parade, alio Inspected each barrack and too Hospital and tba grounua in general. Charts W.hrtar.
for ao many years em ployed ae chief clerk la the offlc of Treasurer Heichert, at the Home, resigned bis position Saturday night. He has not decided wbef be will do. but aaye that be will remain at Marlon. R. McrClnner.
wbo was but week -be for last given a position aa chief clerk in the Quartermaster's De- part tent, wae transferred to the position waa formerlv assistant Cashier In tbe Ma rios Bank. No ono has bees appointed to jar. McKlnnry i vacancy -m tne wuarxar- laate 'a Daaar tan an t- Henry Rich, tat of Company One Hundred and Twentieth Indiana Infantry, died ia the hoapital -at tbe Dan villa Branch Saturday evening. He was a at -gle man, aad 63 yean of age. He waa admit- tea to tne -uanvui urancn wst August on a transfer frora the Marion Branch, at which latter place le well known.
He was a native of Oeiaisiiy. waa builad in the Daavilie Home Cemetery. Twelve members of the Marlon branch hava been convicted of taking clothing frora tbe Home' eont -to th. rale, sad upon orders from Oe-oral W. ii.
rranilln. Fresi- ent of tha Board of Managers, have been dtarj-morabiv iltcrart4 Tat are peter Caianah. Com any Bi On a Blmdrad aad Thlrty-tniri a iuiboss mare William CrnrneT, Company Eeventb Ohio Infant: 1 A. Com pany Inde reoee or I waawarr, --Hug-he. Company X.
On Hundred and Twenty-ninth -Indiana Infant Henry. C. HeaseT Coifipaay TK Thirty-third Missouri Infantry Cary C- Herton. Company A. One Rmdrad and nlrt -fourth, and Company y- -Qua -Howl arxl irty-tlrs Inrilana Infantry; 8am aer Heridrlx, Co pany Ona -Hundred and Fifteenth and Company One Hnndred and Thlrty-tblrd Inolana infantry; -Wlllia p.
fCelly. stasias, U- a. Bobert Meriinnry, o. eeves-ty-foTirth New-Tork Infantry; William Shackle ord, Corbany One Hundred and Twentletb Indians- Infantry, aad Harrrjoa Steward, Company: 4 if lb Inrltsna Car- Deaths at th Horn" durinj ing the past week a fouoe wilua uaxiy K. TbirS sa VWWIJ a 1 chusetts CavrUryr Daniel McMullen, pri.
vata. Com pany B. geveatsa-th Ohio la- faLntry. rs -Tbo ae. Moore, a aiflii I of tba Mark bTrvnchr died while en a fur lough at Bay Ocean County.
Nw Jersey. Iaaae Ml rover a art ae of Company r. aaatoeay Cavalry, aa taken rbarfs ef the stage at, the Home theater, knows as the Msraortal- HalL Powers: recently cam f-s roi Clnctnnatl, whee-e ba sa asas 1 1 1 il wet ta Havlla Theater. The following soldier hv been admitted to -the-Home during tha past week: Sa as! Waller, pi-rvate. Company K.
Oa Ruadrod aod Seventk Pea nsyivanla Infantry, aa- sznd to th hoRpKal; iLlam i. Edward. Captsia of iC Hix af Ichiraa In- fanrry, to Home Company fiefaaet ft "Ryan, of Company B. Thiflir-ioarth Mew Totk Inrantx- company. Johm Ernt.
a ti ths hoepital wiiHaro It. C- Ico'e a private of Com -pany u. Eaui J4cblgaa Cavalry, was A- -V a lit- sMssa SSJSi'if VSi "acb.aa they turn to a -asiMaA fnP- No wxmdVr that theAoerics- Pople are race of nerto2 vticm. Do yots aver atop to thi.k -rbat von are puttinic int TO? Vl is. nrrea and when yon Uke tncdicn.lZ ttabil.1 dyaprptica.
atoroacn aSatarW italiae that they are mostly poison tbat if tbey relieve a piisi temporarily they Injure some otiier p.n tha delicate orsranlam of yoof oosyr tTS 7il rmedv for all th aches iect It Katnrt'a orn core. Electricity, ror twenty year, i in.de thie etudy. leamltur how to cure diaeaaea by the prcpr app, I "on of electricity, for it c-noof afaiT 'hc rav. I bare round ue ruiui the dr. Mclaughlin method -ctric rait la ito perfectad sut in retail oi my yr oi sathe4 ia ia tha apoctal spplic.Hoa to suit dlffereat treablca.
falike th ei stvle be ta. where they have saffioeat power to be cur.tive, mr belt doe, 1 burl blUter, but 0'il UK Vl oothnf carreot direct the tx the acting oa tha blood, serves sad muscle, reitornc he-'th auvsrth to tbe diaeaaed parte aatil they caa take car ol I for lh 1actooe intended by s.tmra. My ap-Haae is worn Bh, ihos, antlacoaTeaiencA aod -hen in ta l)t moraint you raadv for th dy 'a work. It Is tb on frrrliance of th wh rk I caa ba wora by a woman with tender akta. aaii.Aa-.ifia Newniis nr VHal YVcaknaaa.
imi Rat, v. IT TOSJ atw SIIHUav -a, tjri, i rtksamallsai rLaivibago. Utesiolsr Ataxia. Constipation. ver 1 KMsty ar fctoawnrk IroaBwa, cesas aa mmm aaa aas 4 ttsad thl teitat fr-ai a i Wtapuv" CWri0, 1i nnn 1-90.
Pr. i liCflHLrN. Hear 8lr-f had rn trotibld wllndlstln for tour moniha. fare would die my Vowels wer -or and from my tro.il. la my avaten, weX St.
1 uel drugs aud sMriorlrmi'irra-nrrnt, niiu tinai m. lefortwr. weeks ibepsin la gons. I ran dlfest my fd and am salnli i in rS" My wife bad a pain In her -jar I an oseq a ainoa i iiniin ir rear -n. -i troubled, but without galnln a an re I ll Voo 1-1 1 ref ber In a few uratcluUy yours, a.
i. wkms, s. bheiduu urtii, KO. won, mu. Dl.
M. UV aM kV-ir sv ths msdlcin I vf already than all I r- Tf you cannot can, I rCe nnilK Ulnatratea. ii hjiuii pr neip.ni iruun tni a 1 WW UUUli men sod womo This will be snt lo you. rtouaj 4- i M. P.
Mcl AUQ honorably dlschargsd from ths Hon dur- Wm. c'lancy', a 'seaman of the United States Navy, was another honorable discharge during the past week. Pursuant ba Instructions from Oeneral W. B. Franklin, President of tbe Board of Managers, tbe following named members of the Marion Iirancb, having wilfully absented thfdTUsMve without leav for over 60 con- secutlv days, were dropped from th rolls: Manley B.
Cady. private. Company J. Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry; wm. A.
cot, private. Company Thirty-seventh ImHan Infantry, and private. Company Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry; Chaa. R. Cross, rrlvate.
Company O. Kir New Hampeblre nfantry, and Bergeant. Company A and Company O. First Khode Island Cavalry: Jamea Fan-ell. private.
Company K. Sixtieth New Tork Xnrentry. and private, Cora- pany One Hundred and Twenty-third Infantry: Robert Grant, private. Company One Hundred and Fortr-eightn Pennsylvania farvi ry Joseph Hill, private. Company Eigbteenth Indiana Infantry; John Hathaway, private, Company Eighty eighth Indiana Infantry; James Hlneeprt-vate.
Company H. Ninety-third New York Infantry; Richard Neagle, private. Company K. Sixty-seventh New fork Infantry Peter Poets, private. Company K.
Third Missouri Infantry; Michael J. Quinn. lands man, (Tnrte-1 Sta-tee Navy; John Keld. private. Company 1, Fourth New York Infantry: Wm, R.
Stump, private. Company H. One Hundred and Elghty-saventh Pennsylvania lnranrtry; John W. Bnodgras. Ber- goant, company Twenty -seconO Indiana Infantry, and Sergeant Company 0, First I'nlted Statee Veteran Engineers; Hiram Bearlo private.
Company H. Fourth New Tork Heavy Artillery; John r. Strain, private, Company Fifty-fourth Indiana Infantry; Chaa. H. Thompson, guarter master.
I nlled States Navy. And tb following for demanding their discharge oefore the expiration of six months after admleMon: John Baker. Corporal. Company First United State Colored heavy Artillery; Henry Ones, private. Company A.
For-ly- second Indiana Infantry; Hugo Prtlcherd. private, cvpany M. KieventB Indiana Cav- airy: Charles Srhroeder. privsyta. Company t.
Forty-flrn Mow Tork Infantry. And the following for bavins failed to renew their furlough for over 00 consecutive, days: iivubvvuut ual. e. Company A. Flfty-Inf entry; Thomas J.
mpaoy rtrat Ken- ijrwii ueioe, private, fourth New York Wright, private. Company tucay irgni Artillery. rAYTOir HOME. vetAi. rsrar cm Ta aa National Hiut ast Hon, Dattos.
Cxo. November itOne of tne quietest yet liveliest bustling officials on ths Home civilian staff, though a veteran soldi-, is David w. Superintendent of Construction, a native born Ohto "boy," now 68 years of age. and who has been with ua alace lefts. Mr.
Miller is not only a native of Ohio, but also of Montgomery County, bsving been oorn nere August zo. 1S4 He Is of Oermaa descent, tne family name having originally bean spelled M-eHer. fluperinteTklent Mil- ler baa aa army record of wUoa any man wouui proud. enliatao under a- coin's 300,000 call In Company K. Sixty.
third Ohio Infantry, and perform ad gallant service witn tne tamo --Jtrmy of ths Tennessee," participating in all ih skirmishes, marches and battles In which his regiment waa engaged, raol tiding Sherman' "Marcb to tba Boa, and through the Carolines to Washington, culminating la tb "grand review- in May. 18SS. Superintendent Miller ba charsa of 0 gular earpaDtora and So auxiliaries. He hu charge a so of all ma. teriai used In various departments of construction and repair.
He Uvea tn Dayton, his family standing very high socially, be ing active In Christian work connected with taper at. cnur cn. He la aa Odd Fellow a O. A. R.
man and Is sstermed by bla com. rsucs in ana oui oi tns Hum. rteorgamzea company No. eras mustered --A'1" Aaoaaa 1A- lougbby as commander. Captain James V.
Caa. rrf rvymnee. i returned from Cotumbtis to-nisht. he tlvca. "a a oay ita Recent mrn srresj.
w. United States Nvy; Thomas 3. Whltmsr? Co pany H. SUrty-aeventh Pennsylvania iwroti, atlas William Barry 8ute Mario Corps; John A. McQuade Company 0.
Ninth Indiana aoAau.r. ac-n I BUDflCU, LOS Dan One Hundnsd and -Ugbtletb Ohio llntn Tb Olad Hand" Is billed for the hom*o Theater on next Tuesday night Edward O'Neal. Cboroanv Saeand Ma Jersey Cavalry, la la tne hospital suffering from a broken collar bone. Ac. tba of a fall.
i result Mr. and Mrs. Perry Weldner went to imaid aMHiMias- a vnjoy UM CT-UM oper-w List of uncalled for retters tn the Hmr Pf-t office' Peter Agloff. Mrs. Birdie Beth- "WWM OfOWB, tT.
Geralngton. Utiarn H. Haley. Chart Richard Johns. T.
W. McArthur, Tom mIi- kmn. National MlrHar, Horse. Ohio? Cm-Ua H. Nalo-.
Robert. Patter-on? OLaX. Ttop. There is now but one survivor the War AA, u. vn a.
OK -avow 19 a. V. he in tenor work ot tbe brick bar, racaa is neviug -rimpieuon. Veterah John Todd has a clerk at beadauar tw a. appointed atata A a rlhi.Hl! Ksotucky (or his health and recently returned, is not yt able to be out l-ate transfers to tbe Danville Branch: Hugh Bagnell.
Co apany lvatl Lai- lJiTl.t'?"-.?- Copa gyivj-ui-uj reniAsyivBilb IMantlTl Joha VL Brows. Company B. First New Hampanire Cavalry: Henry Ha 11 ton. Co-paay K. BUtth t-nited Stat Iaiaatrrjiu.
tbias Jones, Second Indiana Battery Wm. itTVnlZi Ka-vyT ty-third' Illinois Iu To the Easter liraacn; Ftst TUj. I United States Navy, To the Mirweukee Breach: Joha atataoa. Oobib A. Second New larabSBU7 Coarad kCeiar.
Company W. Wtnth Wlaaa. sio intAmi-y. and Bherwood B. CheeaemanL Forty-Tcturth New TorvS JoJ'TlMi From.
Cri-iaaaaSu, of e- a M-vm ia, tr. a. and a Iw a ii ters clerk, is In tbo hospluL luvlng arean. is H. aa sital staff.
Th flrst tedoor eon cert of the rrvea in i Memorial Hall Mooda-Tb band or new nnlformaa7T, and aspaarai! aded. The eon-rta will aaa-l 7'i. absent V-siatae, SPssa A ear sm saa naa raTa.Jlh UI rMUlarB Dl UQCS Dl sin a and pai-a to which man 1. i- KVTVt Octohcr ft, Flat Tour ha done me mora i aelAAb Inat leal a m.at wall i vat.v, Yours very trary, Jn C.iloi,. J.
hava a new SO-page book, LI wr.vri-cw.taM a a with leave at Tallow Bpnngi, Ohio iij inr.nt;;:-Mwi nacent onantM or omr-era eraarj Chandler, of the Home Outni! hTj i. isa v. aHlt of Company SI. takes Chandler tUa Sergeant Patrick Joyoe will um. msnd of Company Si.
Colonel Jeromi Beers Thom.i. or inn central rrranrn iiom- and uj united In in arr lag on Thur-d-v at ths parsonage of the Mohask is. terlan Church. No, 23TT Wheeler iTm a- 1 by RV. A- The ana nit wir ar rnaiin a thun itv ela.a--.a.a 4 tutu tiai tu uw ouuia.
OHO STATE SOKE. a ao ia Biarav ea to tbs aaaoiaaa, St BOLOtaM1 HoMB.BANm-.HT.0rjJ November death occurred Institution since the last report, di being John W. afcMaaua. as.d 70 who served In Company On Hjsm and Fifteenth Oblo Infantry, tn.i steal been an Inmate of the Home for nin. real Hs was buried wttb; military honon Horns Cerosttry.
Herman HaerHne. the wsll-kno a sJ eo ape gardener of Cincinnati, ap it ih days hr this Week superlmenJlni i work of setting out trees and shrub hoapital ground and around th. La k. making plana for further beaut.frtc aa grounds. Oeorge Sebolta baa returned to ka sJ tage after spending a three weriu' furrJ with relativas in Albert otr.
who remained awn tbe Home beyond the period vim leave of absence, ba been dropped theai rolls. Fridolln aw er. a rbo ba an a atari health for several months, bai bm tru! ferred to tha hospital. William Held, a member of tba Brass Band, has returned her rrca 04 land, whare ha bad bean for aevr aa'Ji Oeorge C. Hurley was taken ouiuua a week, aflyd ha been traastSi-reU ml pusi.
Frederick Hawtoy. who rvii Sixth Oblo Infantry in tha Spaaut can War, and wbo is a conva eyw: r-4 of the hospital, haa been grants! ear o. abaence to vialt bla family at Joseph Urnavln has returned to sCmi tor the winter, after spendlu i -) leave of absence In Indiana. Bernard Xaooh has been iranaf trx his cottage to tho hospital, tr an aggravated caa of hernia Samuel Hunter waa this vAc-ic fa ab nonoraoie aiacnarge xrom 11 i Isaac Buut has returned Uv.tA With relatives and friends In Sergeant Knight, of ha confined to his bed several Benlamln Bishop bas limi tru-ia-a from his rot tags to tha hdml.H A. O.
Dickinson, of the bmpl hu a short furlouah- which ha miac v-a bis family. J. T. McCowan. of th hot; its fore.
given sn honorable dichr ti-M lUia stitutaon tnia weex. Jamea Dagan. who baa born im! lough alnce last May, has 8 the winter. Wm. M.
Armstrong has en from tb roll for being at, iu via Jack Balllns, nurse In Ward or ital. I away on furlough, and fr-Ji 'A supplying nis plans. Oeorge Kits want to Hur -r- 'j6 Week to Visit his sister, and wa and hurt himself ao badw that ii to ret urn to tbe Home. Man haa r. Turned Bprlngiild.
wber be went on 4 gene six month ago. wsek vlslUng relatives and tr.ir.et is Ol dnnatl, Ptqua and other Obi-; Andrew Webber, who no t-T Ohio Infaatry In tbe Bir.i-n-A- ar, ha gone ta Man. field a 4 leav ef abeenoe. Jama, tl AT i iia use lovui ii Ing a 80 days' furlough at 4 bwi Column a. w.
H- Fergueon, wbo waa Aomitts a week and temporarily quarfi Tc, eeirlng hsrraeka has i.n Cottage N. wTH. Waters, who has b-i tw a Um, was compelled mis week: t- in th hoapital OUr aa Bryan, who served lr. One Hundred and Second dropped from tbe rolia this i to Ka wit ban Ia.ii. -iHivw, Chrlstise Joeenh.
af the to bis old home at Oak IUr(- r. Cornelius (TShea ha gone to (H le snend a SA William McClur Is temporarily fnttf. Piac of Oooaa Foou aa ouw in piuu a-na. rtaaea. If in-, t.
J-a-fsaJ 1 T.W'sa AtAiiicr naa urrn a rolla for being absent beyond tke ilsa a bla leave of abasaic. WUllam McIlaat11b has reurwd a Horn for the wlntirr. after i'jenw1 days at hht old home In Logan. ObieJ Andrew Mabas took a iCi dan forks' tbla week SAnd ba gone to hta ror at Freedom. Ohio, to visit his fwni Hannawalt.
a nurse In th on aacount oflllne. and n-- ocWl cot ta Ward D. Caarlaa Mattbewa baa i detailed to supply Hannawalt P'aJ A Marvin haa gone to N-vark. J1 ona trip eoenblning busdneas and -ni. wajMro too a IT lotJth this week and hu gone to Willie Hetsen of Columbun the bof 'J was aJmltted to the hoapital utJ3 tx gtb af ins slslaiiani that ba rAadisa ia the apanlah-AiBerican wsr aod bm a uiBcnarge papers, am un ml in amiA- a or four ttooiaaj away si aat nla aaawta Ar Mhlnir nf bit about until h's mother read i earn bare to a aim.
and remard a Weak Batneele a. ha. knm A In C4VI AfSI i nere are at preasnt i.u lnmAwr. V0LI DUESS' JGDAi Mr a i Nazal a ha a rold medal rrescB Boeisty ror tns OssS Srtlnask ia rscoanliion -aatk Lo-lse abetl has wor-et dlvar Joe the last IS ye an aad i as bead of a serves wt I-; brothera for partaera -EQTPTS S10T MACHUi i Ancieat Egypt' boasted lot" machine, while one aaf''erv' korar Sowl ia riiov ras a aw iflasa. and nearly iMO years ago tlaaa aad Aasvrtaas observed ths thro gh a primitive ulaeanji.